Become a sponsor!
Become a sponsor!
Would you like to support the Tamale Utrecht Football Academy in Northern Ghana? Then please send your gift to account number (ABN Amro Bank, Amsterdam) at stichting Human Life and mention “TUFA Ghana.”
If you would like to support TUFA and its social projects in any other way, e.g. through knowledge, experience or means, please contact us.
IBAN: NL62 ABNA 0513 3312 04
Stichting Human Life is recognized by the Dutch Tax Department as an "institution for general benefit" (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling, ANBI) and therefore has an ANBI-status.
If in a calendar year the sum of someone's gifts to ANBIs exceeds 1% of the threshold income, the excess, with a maximum of 10% of that income, is deductible income. Also an ANBI is exempted from inheritance tax and gift tax on inheritances and gifts it receives, except on those made under a condition such that it is not for general benefit.
As from 1-1-2012 the deduction for business gifts as follows: the deduction is limited to 50% of the profits, with a maximum of € 100,000.